Sep 5Liked by William Spivey

The origin of the term “sold down the river”. Also a devastating indictment of Thomas Jefferson. I recently read that he raped 14 year old Sally Hemmings & allowed his children by her to remain slaves. So much for that Founding Father.

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Sep 3Liked by William Spivey

Wow. Thank you. I just read Jenny Bourne’s article on Slavery on the Economic History Association website. I am sorry that I did. In addition to disputing that enslavers had a policy of forced reproduction, she writes about the “benevolence” of some “masters” (who were sometimes looked down upon for “indulging” their slaves) and how enslaved peoples in the U.S. South had it better than those in the West Indies (ok, what!?).

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Sep 1Liked by William Spivey

Thank you for your writing. I am reading Clint Smith’s “How the Word is Passed”. I’m a retired, self-edumicated Harris fan. Awaiting your next post.

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Mr. Spivey, I very much appreciate your willingness to educate us on the history of racism, which has been glossed over or just not taught. It’s so heartbreaking, but must be revealed to those of us who are not aware. I’ve done a fair bit of reading about racism and slavery, but had not previously come across information on domestic slave breeding. Institutional racism resulted in true history being papered over in classrooms. I feel so cheated by the failure of our society to deal with racial history head on, instead of telling us the sanitized versions.

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This makes me want to vomit, then cry, then vomit some more.

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Me too! Absolutely horrifying! And to think desantus and the like want to keep this shit from being taught in the schools makes it even more infuriating! We must never forget lest it happens again! We must always remember this cruelty and injustice. These are crimes against humanity. It never ceases to amaze me how evil people can be. God bless all who suffered.

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Thank you.

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