Sep 6Liked by William Spivey

Very painful, but the world needs to know. DD

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Sep 6Liked by William Spivey

This was difficult for me to read and I imagine it must have been difficult to write.

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Sep 8Liked by William Spivey

I am grateful for the “heavy heart” I’m currently experiencing after reading this.

Thank you for shining a spotlight for others to read.

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You're welcome, Stephany!

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Sep 7Liked by William Spivey

As a southerner, and a woman, I can say that a lot of Anglo men in the south still think like this tbh. It's why I stay strapped. Great article, professor.

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Sep 7Liked by William Spivey

Of the numberless crimes of slavery against humanity, this one is by far the most unforgivable.

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It's the one thing I wish people understood about America's economic growth being tied to the forced breeding and rape of Black women.

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The slavers had *breeding stables,* for fuck's sake.

The stories of women being "married" to men according to the direction of the enslavers are the kindest and rosiest pictures we have of those times and practices.

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Sep 9Liked by William Spivey

My God! The inhumanity

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As painful as this is to read about the crimes committed, it’s a worse crime, the attempt to silence these voices from our history.

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As a southerner, I can say this practice is assumed but never discussed. Of all the horrors of slavery, this is one which I believe will never be generally acknowledged in the south.

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Thank you for sharing this

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Thank you for your research & reporting... This painful history should be widely known. America has lots of baggage to unpack.

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