When my fourth grade educated, midwestern, Christian grandmother was still living, she asked me which party I supported. I answered, "The Democrats." She stared at me in total shock. Finally, she took a breath and asked how I could not support the party of Lincoln--she knew Lincoln is my favorite president. I told her that if he were alive, Lincoln would either be a Democrat or an Independent because the Republicans had morphed into antebellum slave supporting democrats due to their record on civil rights.

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Oct 3Liked by William Spivey

Thank you for again elucidating vital history.

I DO NOT AGREE that it is petty to once again point out that Grump would not rent to "coloured"!

Or about that horrible full page ad in the NYT re the Central Park Five, who were finally exonerated, but who have never received an acknowledgement of their innocence, let alone an apology.

Injustice and racism must be continuously pointed out. It is so easy to become inured to it amid all the other noise in our lives.

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Oct 3Liked by William Spivey

Thank you For this.

I will re-read this and hope to research of what you have made clear. Thank you


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One of the weirdest events of my lifetime has been the devolution of the GOP from the Party of Lincoln to the Party of George Lincoln Rockwell.

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Let's get down and dirty Mr Spivey. These white folks have been expediently racist and ignorant for centuries, they have not only ignored facts, they've distorted, warped, misrepresented, rewrote, alternative facted! Alternative f-ing facted the world! They wouldn't recognize the TRUTH if it slapped them in the face and called them father Grace. In the Bible, Grace is referred to as unmerited favor --UNMERITED--meaning unearned! Trump had that, white folks had it, America had it... just full up to the brim and over flowing with stuff unearned, stuff stolen and stuff just piled up sitting around like a mentally ill hoarder! You are a true historian and a kind person for writing this. You are a National Treasure 🪙❤️

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The truth is rather elusive with that bunch. Thanks for your kind words!

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Is there known history after the Civil War of Abraham Lincoln attempting to deport freed slaves? An idea born from fear of The Union’s efforts to end slavery superficially uniting the United States in an equitable society?

Abraham Lincoln’s end game was never to integrate freed slaves into white society?

Please help me with the details,

I am trying to associate wealthy land owners to documented proof, the constitution was never about humanity in an equitable enterprise. Merely a labyrinth of Executive, Congressional and Judicial theater?

The cast of which play the part of a duopoly, performed for centuries mocking the ideas portrayed in our American Representational Government.

Thank You,


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It was such a revelation for me to learn from Heather Cox Richardson’s book that the Democrats and Republicans had completely switched places in political ideology. Of course, we were taught nothing of this in school. What a different world we might have, if historically accurate facts were taught to everyone.

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Oct 4Liked by William Spivey

If we look at both parties, the Foreign policy seems quite similar, Forever Wars are raging in defence of U.S. Hegemony business interests. Domestic concerns, gaslit talking points offer unattainable ghost-like promises, never realized within voting cycles. While real concerns by corporate donors find their mandates are met with impunity.

In essence we are led to fight over scraps as our flooded poisoned planet is set ablaze.

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He did so before the end of the war, sending freed Black people to Cow Island near Haiti. He was trying to convince Frederick Douglass and others that leaving the country was the best idea. They disagreed. The experiment failed and Lincoln gave up on the idea. He didn't live long enough after the war to reconsider. I wrote something about Cow Island, I'll make sure to post it here.

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Finally a cogent argument against the idea that the current Republican Party is the party of Lincoln!

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