Excellent guidelines. I myself tend to get exasperated with people whom you describe as having no sense of history and only parrot the words of someone else or something they read on social media or heard some pundit say. What really aggravates me are those political talking heads who are pushing an agenda that has no bearing on truth or in facts, and the broadcasters just let them talk without pushback. Or when the media focuses on Janet Jackson when she says that Kamala is not black. That is irresponsible because she obviously is totally ignorant of the facts. But she is a celebrity, so a lot of people who also are ignorant will take that as written in stone.

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Sep 25Liked by William Spivey

Highlighting #6 b/c learning should be the point and will involve the process of true engagement with the community, the text, your current knowledge/experience. Engage with the willingness to question (with respect and support) and a willingness to listen and grow.

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Sep 27Liked by William Spivey

Well, I flunked. I can only claim adherence to #5. I would like to add one small addendum to the rules. Do not engage when alcohol is involved. Seems obvious but, apparently not.

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Yes, alcohol should be avoided when discussing subjects about which one is passionate. Things could go badly.

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