Sep 16Liked by William Spivey

Thank you @William Spivey for bringing these names from pre-Civil War American history, forward to 2024. As an AP American History student back when I was in high school, for my senior paper I was assigned to write an honors thesis of the Causes of the Civil War. John C. Calhoun was high on the list of racist white elected representatives, without whom there might not have been such hatred fomented that the Civil War was begun. It’s an excellent reminder of how deep racism runs in America, how inclusive it was, including Mexicans and Indians as “others” and how engrained in our society is the concept of a “white nation”. You are performing a public service by bringing these writings to today’s world and reminding everyone from whence the hatred has always flowed.

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Sep 16Liked by William Spivey

A white supremacist of the first order. Also a blowhard/wordsmith of the first order. America needs a reordering of its heroes, and new history books. DD

Ps., One has to wonder if he ever did an honest days labor.

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A supremacist, no doubt. Then again, more racist than supremacist. I say that because he knew there were too many in Mexico to overrun. He also realized that the vastness of the Atlantic ocean made it extremely difficult for Europe to keep its grip on the Americas. That said, his belief that this democracy or "free government" (as he called it) was only for whites was racist, short sighted and just plain wrong. Also, the issue of States rights eventually fell to the power of a central federal government mainly because it's against the imperial laws of nature that any peoples be kept enslaved. That fact of the matter people is that Free Government cannot co-exisit with a slave class within itself just as a true democracy must embrace all its people as equal citizens or be doomed to fail.

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