I'd like to say here Mr. Spivey, it seems that a segment of white folks are actually scared to see a riot jump off by a bunch of pissed off black, brown and poor white folks. They'd rather "jump-start" a riot ahead of time, sort of counting their eggs before they hatch mentality. They live in perpetual fear as a result of (generation to generation) living on the edge of madness- keeping a "hawk's eye" over their enslaved on the plantation, (knowing slavery is wrong), but hoping they will have enough fore warning to get their guns and shot when they see the whites in the slave's eyes. Honey, these folks are so SLEEP deprived from taking a short winks here and there over centuries! --They are now the zombies - the true walking dead! Creeping beetle juice! A racist is an unhinged, depraved, guilt-ridden maniac "sleep walker" with a gun, locked in a cycle of generational fear and trauma. Their only solution(REST), Yes, it's possible, just apologize and pay-up------Reparations-- restore and repair. What a wonderful way to end a nightmare.

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I've been binge watching Fear of the Walking Dead, what inevitably happens is those supposed to be keeping guard invariably get distracted at the wrong time.

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Thanks for the heads up! Is that like saying "stay woke"? Awake? Don't fall asleep on the watch? Every one is suspect!? Always wear a garlic necklace and carry a cross with a knife 🔪 so you can kill the undead?

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I am a white woman originally from the south. Every time I read one of your articles I have a visceral reaction to the clarity you bring. Thank you.

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Right not write

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You are absolutely write and you are filling in the Swiss Cheese of my education. Thank you again

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Thank you for following along. I apologize in advance for often coming back to the same themes. It's because they haven't been resolved yet.

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Stories that need to be told. Thank you for your work.

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