Sep 21Liked by William Spivey

And she won’t be able to get an abortion because of the DeSantis Abortion Ban

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Sep 21Liked by William Spivey

When "Christians" only cite the Old Testament to support their decidedly UN-Christ-like beliefs, are they even legitimately Christian?

This behavior is repugnant and morally reprehensible. It is arguably unconstitutional, and if it's not, it should be. Liberty and Justice for ALL should actually mean ALL. Anyone arguing against that is welcome to get off my planet by sundown.

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According to Christian “scriptures,” Jesus said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” John 8 : 7-11

Okay, #GLBTQ folks aren’t sinning for who they are. Those demanding they leave are “sinning” and it’s foul.

Are there any real Christians out there who will create a space for everyone, just like Jesus did?

In fact, are there ANY religious groups that do?

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Sep 21Liked by William Spivey

It is incredibly sad to see such a consistent level of sexual abuse coming from those who loudly proclaim their “Christianity” …

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Get the Trans and Gay students out of our school while we impregnate 16 year olds who will be forced to carry their abuser’s baby to term. Pay your tuition for a “Christian” education. Thoughts and prayers

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I really hated to put a "heart" on this story for it breaks mine, William, but it needed to be told. Once again, we have to love what you are doing - exposing the truth. Thanks for doing the good work - one story at a time.

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Thanks, Susanne!

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I am sure it causes the kids grief but they need to get far away from anything that has the words Christian, faith, Jesus, Lord etc. in 2024 these words are associated with Hate, racism, bigotry, treason, misogyny. We have to get all our children far from this vile cult BS

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Ex-Floridian here. Ron DeSantis is the very worst governor in my memory, but he’s got a lot of help. It’s maddening.

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Such pretend Christian hypocrisy

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And another reason not to go to Florida

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If fornication is a sin, then where did those children come from?

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This is just the tip of our governors policies of hate and even better secrecy they have enshrined into law reducing transparency in the governors office to zero . He’s a more sinester and smarter autocrat than trump with a strong local following . He refused money to continue health care for a half a million kids , has sabotaged the property insurance industry and progressively ruining the entire education system . He Clearly does pro before quid on many transactions from state resources and routinely decides remarkable contrary policies like building golf courses on public park lands when golf is a slowly dying business / he’s a golfer . So he should be on A list of soon the be extinct politicians

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