Oct 7Liked by William Spivey

I’m hoping for a new era of accountability. When Obama gave war criminals Bush/Cheney a pass, my heart sank. I knew it would just embolden the next group of powerful crooks and liars. Republicans in the Bush era made disinformation a weapon, (abetted by Judith Miller at the New York Times and other parrots of the lies coming out of the Whitehouse), they got away with it, and look what the Republican Party has become: A soulless Dementor of all that is good. Justice and truth-loving citizens despaired at the lack of accountability, corruption of justice, at the cynical and needless loss of lives, at the failure to investigate the Saudi connection to 9-11. Would Kashoggi’s brutal murder have occurred had there been accountability?

Will convicting and punishing the vile and felonious traitor Twimp result in riots in the streets? Oh yes, but I believe they will be the joyous kind, with brass bands and drums, dancing, spontaneous outpourings of celebration and relief that the Dementors are finally banished, the rule of Law symbolically restored. It would be a great celebration of the end of the era of “alternative facts”, grifting, emoluments, (a shot across the bow, Thomas and the other SJC bribe-uh-gratuity-takers) a casting off of the shadow of doubt that our system of government is even capable of reining in the overweening autocratic privilege that has been hanging over us since Bush/Cheney and the Patriot Act. (And ultimately dates back to the origins of our country, thank you William Spivey, Ibram X Kendi). Praying that Justice will prevail, and a black woman will lead us to a brand new day. Karma is sweet! Here comes the Sun! VOTE!!!

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Oct 7Liked by William Spivey

Well, I keep learning so much from you that I just have to sit in silence and reassess so much of what was shoved at us growing up as Baby Boomers. OK, so Obama's election rattled the racists and their President kicked them into high gear. Is that kind of a good thing? Having racists exposed for the [bottom-feeding] blight they are? Maybe just a bit-- they can't go back into hiding. Problem is that racist, homophobic and misogynist bullies use their real threats of violence so effectively that their families and communities are cowed into silence and even going along with them. My own experience is that the worst homophobes have the plushest closets. Mob mentality is contagious and sweeps up the masses in a flood tide of hate. Scary.

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Oct 7Liked by William Spivey

Compelling article. Thanks for reporting it.

If Trump, Vance, Graham, McConnell and a few others finally admitted to bring racist and misogynistic, that would send their support base into a panic of redefining what those terms *really* mean.

Their supporters would claim their leaders have become mentally compromised by some left wing conspiracy.

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Oct 7Liked by William Spivey

I don't know. It seems to me they are just getting ever more tolerant of overt displays of bigotry. They've already gotten to the point where they're just as likely to double down or justify it as they are to deny that it is bigotry. It's only a matter of time before someone finally leaks those n-word Trump tapes, and everyone on the right says "yeah, so what?"

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You're right that they won't be mad about the content of the leaks, but over the fact they were released.

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Oct 7Liked by William Spivey

Thank you for putting this together! All eight of these things would drive them nuts!

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Oct 8Liked by William Spivey

"QUICKLY NOW! DON'T DRAG YOUR FEET! It's a common"soft demand", the type Miss Anne gives as she sends a young house boy to fetch more sweet tea from the kitchen! Circa 1865-1965. "With all deliberate speed" sounds like a military instruction to "Take the Hill" (WWII). Clearly impressive but not effective for getting rid of institutionalized racism in America and specifically in education (see segregation).

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Thank you for continuing to enlighten us!

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2 hrs agoLiked by William Spivey

I’m white (well, Irish, so maybe not) and grew up in the South and agree with everything you say. I don’t know why, but I’ve always had an acute sense of justice. I pray for real change in this country. Let’s elect Kamala Harris and prosecute Trump.

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Brown v. Board did shit. I attended Truman High School in Independence, MO from 1967-1970, better than a decade after the Supreme Court “ended school segregation.” There was ONE Black student: one year’s AFS exchange student from Nigeria. All the Black kids went to Chrisman, across town.

They even changed the zoning after I graduated to make sure us kids from Basura Blanco Estates (a “budget” subdivision of moderately priced homes) didn’t contaminate their little darlings. My youngest brother and sister both went to Chrisman.

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White Blight.

Right on!

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Thanks, I was going to ask what the term Blight People meant, where it came from.

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Have info will contact soon. My biggest concern: How will the nation react to a true Presidential assassination? The last was JFK.

The "pot shots" orchestrated in my opinion by Trump supporters is no comparison.

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You never disappoint. Thank you Sir.

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