Aug 30Liked by William Spivey

All this time, I thought the idea of "reparations" was a logistical nightmare but

white folks worldwide made it work for them for more than 100 years. Damn, there was no restraint on white tyranny.

Mr Spivey, you continue to enlighten me about things I never even imagined had taken place.

It's ironic that DJT alleges that he has been the best ally to Black people since Lincoln. Your article clearly points out that DJT has far more in common racially with Lincoln than his feeble mind could imagine.

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DJT has a bit in common with Jefferson as well, but not in a good way.

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Britain just finished paying their slaveholders descendants in 2015 for the debt incurred in 1833. Looking at what he did to the Dakotas, Lincoln wasn’t a friend of any non white person.

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I haven't read Shakespeare in many a year. I'll take a look with the lens of more knowledge that I had before. I'll let you know what I think.

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I had an incredibly difficult time reading that list. Every time I hear things like this out of the mouths of White people, it's like a sucker punch to the gut. Or maybe the kidneys. Just about drops me to my knees. I just do not know how people can be so...(insert adjectives and expletives here).

I am absolutely supportive of reparations. I don't have a solution, necessarily, but I have thoughts about what might be done. Regardless, I am here for all of the positive potential reparations may bring to the Black Community.

Maybe a way to begin would be by making illegal - and strictly enforcing - all the ways Black people and POC are systematically marginalized. The list is seemingly endless. Perhaps next, let's resolve the damage done by those systems by creating and create equty by enacting systems that operate in the reverse. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, returning stolen property, money, and other assets. This, I think, is where most White people lose their minds. But, it's real and I believe necessary. Land, businesses, financial assets, whole towns and communities, and lives were lost. There is a tremendous need for justice and reparations for those losses. I mean, when it happens to White people, they do everything possible to get what they believe they are due. So why is this any different? The White response is illogical, irrational, and beyond comprehension to me.

Perhaps, as a White person, I have no place in this conversation. My ideas and thoughts may not be welcome. However, I choose to state them anyway because I want to be a part of the process of change, the process of reparation, of creating a society in which ALL humans are not only created equal, but truly seen and believed to be equal in the eyes of not only the law, but by all. I may be dreaming, but it's a dream I refuse to give up on.

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It is politically fraught.

The curated white underclass and their descendants will ask where there's is.

Where are reparations for starved Irish, for the descendants of mill and mine workers, those pressed into service, the hillbillys, rural white migrants tricked into the dustbowl, the Hoover dam. The Indians are waiting for the Black Hills... and they will have to wait forever.

There is a political nightmare in giving such claws to the past.

A rallying point and cry for a demagogue.

I would say that reparations are due... morally...but politically we should be careful what we wish for.

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Haven't even dug in to read this yet and the first thought that sprang to mind was "FRANCE!!!"

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Mr. Spivey, every time I come across a social *conundrum, a confusing and difficult question, I turn to Shakespeare. After all, Shakespeare is credited with being the single man who civilized the European(i.e. British- our forefathers of this great nation). You really must do a deep dive into there savage and rather brutish origin story. The books- Shakespeare :The Invention of the Human, by Harold Bloom and How Shakespeare Changed Everything by Stephen Marche- both reveal rather fascinating things about white people of ye olden days. In fact, the monetary behavior- lending, exchanging, taking and bartering, stealing and lying, short changing and just cheating and robing, and even having the nerve to discriminate against someone who has less or more than another has its seeds in ye olden days. Shakespeare has the "unique ability to place his finger on people's soul". So, when you read The Merchant of Venice, you get a sense that a debt owed and not paid can lead to *dire conditions for the one attempting to jilt the lender. Yes, America owes a great debt to its original builders who toiled and yes slaved, to build it! What is the price owed? Let's just put it at a pound of flesh for each day since--- let's say ---an agreed upon 400 years give or take a few hundred including up to today... OH, times how many you say? We are only counting those who survived the great crossing, (the middle passage) not the dead in the ocean for-dead men tell no tales- LOL- as the pirates and Moors would say. Open the ledger: Count the survivors X the debt for labor rendered = total pounds of flesh --- drum roll please --- Okay! We mustn't haggle. Pay up America, settle the dispute once and for all. Many have come before you and they turned over the moolah! Let's not have Shakespeare turn over in his grave. Fair is only fair good gentlemen and ladies fair! Have ye not been civilized yet?!

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