I couldn't get through this article. It was too painful to relive it. I saw the video of George Floyd being murdered. It was horrifying.

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There is a comment under one of Tracy Chapman's songs on YouTube about her opening for some big star at Wembley stadium. Stage management misplaced the CD with the intro for the big star. Ms. Chapman was asked to play a set for the packed house. One woman, behind one guitar, and she held 60,000 people spellbound.

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What can we do to reduce the fear? One thing is to create communities that cross the lines that have long been established to divide us.


There is a comment under one of Tracy Chapman's songs on YouTube about her opening for some big star at Wembley stadium. Stage management misplaced the CD with the intro for the big star. Ms. Chapman was asked to play a set for the packed house. One woman, behind one guitar, and she held 60,000 people spellbound.

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